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Attachments Overview

2019-09-08 02:06:58

Attachments Overview

Attachments include all the weapons, devices and components that can be installed on a ship. There are currently thousands of different attachments in the game, understanding them may be overwhelming to new players. The following contents will mainly cover various categories of attachments so it's easier for players to get the basics.




All the attachments in the game are divided into 15 tiers based on the quality, from Tech 1 Rank 1 (T1R1) all the way to Tech 3 Rank 5 (T3R5).


T is short for Tech, T1 stands for Tech 1, T2 stands for Tech 2, T3 stands for Tech 3. The Tech level currently caps at 3 in the game. R is short for Rank, there are 5 ranks under each Tech level, namely R1 to R5.


One can tell the quality of an attachment by its icon. The Roman numerals at the top left corner is for Tech levels, the background color is for Ranks. White is for R1, green for R2, blue for R3, purple for R4, orange for R5.


All the T1R1 attachments can be directly purchased from the Mall in any space station. Any attachment of better quality can only be made by players through Production.




There is a letter at the top right corner of an attachment's icon. It signifies the size of the attachment.


S is short for Small. S sized attachments are generally for frigates and destroyers, since their effects and energy costs are calibrated for small sized ships.


M is short for Medium. M sized attachments are generally for cruisers and battlecruisers, since their effects and energy costs are calibrated for medium sized ships.


L is short for Large. L sized attachments are generally for battleships and some battlecruisers with special ship bonuses, since their effects and energy costs are calibrated for large sized ships.


U is short for Universal. U sized attachments are meant for all kinds of ships. They usually takes low Power and Processor cost, but their energy cost is a percentage of the maximum energy.


Under the letter there is another special symbol. It represents which slot this particular attachment goes to. If there is a lock symbol next to it, this attachment is bound to the player and cannot be traded to other players.


Quality and size are two categories work for all types of attachments. There are special categories, for weapon, device and component respectively.


Weapon Categories


Weapons can be categorized in terms of firepower and range, respectively. Light weapons and heavy weapons are divided by firepower. Combat weapons and sniper weapons are divided by range.


It's usually easy to tell if a particular weapon belongs to light or heavy weapons by the number of barrels installed. But not all light weapons are single-barreled. For example, the light version of missile is called double-barreled missile, while its heavy counterpart is called quad-barreled missile. Heavy weapons are reinforced versions of their light counterparts. Compared to light weapons, they have the same range, much higher DPS, and far higher Power, Processor and energy costs.


Combat and sniper weapons are also shown on their names. Sniper weapons have much longer range, while combat weapons have higher DPS, lower energy cost, faster cooldown, higher tracking speed and larger ammo capacity.


Device Categories


Devices can be categorized in terms of function and target, respectively. Recharging, enhancement, interference and tactical devices are divided by function. Self, extended and area devices are divided by target.


Recharging devices include all the shield and energy rechargers. Enhancement devices include all the devices that cast enhancement in ship's speed, resistances, weapon and electronic system. Interference devices are essentially the opposite of enhancement devices. Tactical devices are special devices with various unique mechanisms and relatively long cooldowns.


Devices only take effect when activated by the player, at the cost of certain energy. Self devices only target the ship they are installed on. Extended devices target a single unit that's not the ship itself. Area devices target a certain number of targets within a certain range. All the devices can only cast beneficial effects on allied targets, and harmful effects on attackable targets.


Component Categories


Components can be categorized into weapon enhancers, electronics enhancers, shield enhancers and piloting enhancers in terms of function. Components grant passive effects, don't require activation or cost energy. At last, component effects cannot be shared with other ships.




All the attachments in the game are divided into 15 tiers in terms of quality, all the way from T1R1 to T3R5. They can also be categorized into S, M, L and U in terms of size.


Weapons can be categorized into combat and sniper, or light and heavy weapons. Devices can be categorized into recharging, enhancement, interference and tactical or self, extended and area devices. Components can be categorized into weapon enhancers, electronics enhancers, shield enhancers and piloting enhancers.