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Corp Activities

2019-09-08 03:51:51

Corp Activities

Corp activities are multiplayer activities based on Corps. Compared to singleplayer activities, the element of interactions between players will add new flavor into the gaming experience.


There are currently 3 types of Corp activities: Corp Quests, Corp Business, and Sovereignty Wars. Sovereignty wars will be covered in 2 separate guides, so this guide will focus on Corp Quests and Corp Business.


Corp Quest


Corp Quests are multiplayer activities that can be started and completed in certain solar systems. By completing Corp Quests, Corp members will receive credits, minerals and random implants. Completing Corp Quests also increases solar systems' development levels.


The development level is an important measurement to a Corp's influence on a particular solar system. Increasing the development level will increase the durability of sovereignty facilities and the level cap of Corp facilities in the same solar system. It also has an impact on the amount of Corp Pts this solar system contributes to the "daily salary" of all Corp members.


Intel Pts are consumed to start Corp Quests. They are automatically collected when Corp members just play the singleplayer contents every day. Corp Quests can be started in the Sovereignty Map, which can be accessed from the Corp section of main menu in a space station.


The next step is to designate a solar system where the Corp holds sovereignty to start the Corp Quest. The first ever occupied solar system by the Corp will be displayed by default when entering this map. Players can switch to other solar systems by tapping the 2nd icon at the top left corner.


When in the right solar system, tapping the Corp Quest icon on the left will open the Corp Quest panel. There are currently 4 types of Corp Quests in the game, each corresponding to a different activity and different numbers of suggested pilots. Once started, any Corp member can track and warp to that solar system through the Corp Quest tab of the Corporation panel.


At last, Corps holding no solar systems can also start Corp Quests in the solar systems belonging to the 5 major nations. But such Corp Quests will give less rewards.


Corp Business


Corp Business is a way to exchange Corp minerals between different Corps. The prerequisite of Corp Business is holding at least a solar system and having refinery and trade port unfurled in that solar system. The refinery is where the Corp produces Corp minerals. All the refineries owned by a Corp will start to load minerals into transporters at a time set by the Corp.


During the loading period, actual transporters can be seen in the refineries. The Corp only receives the minerals after the transporters warped out, and because the transporters can be attacked in the process, players may need to protect transporters of their own from enemies.


Trade port is the admission ticket for Corp Business. The Corp Business section is unlocked when the Corp has at least one trade port. Tapping it will open the Corp Business panel:


In the "Sell Commodity" tab, players can go through all the purchase orders posted by other Corps nearby. Because the displayed orders are determined by the actual positions of trade ports, the distances are usually not too far. If a player likes a particular purchase order and there is enough corresponding mineral in the Corp Warehouse, the player can tap the Deliver button to send the transporter.


When making delivery schedule, the player needs to assign a starting trade port and the amount of such mineral. The cargo space of the transporter is determined by the level of the trade port, and it regulates the amount of mineral to be delivered. Upon confirmation, there will immediately be an actual transporter leaving the selected trade port for the destination. Because the Corp won't receive the payment until the transporter actually reaches the destination and it's attackable in the whole process, players may need to protect the transporter from enemies.


Of course, a Corp can also post purchase orders to buy minerals from other Corps. A Corp can only post one purchase order per trade port. Each order requires some deposit money, so the total price of all the purchase orders cannot exceed the balance of the Corp's Gala account.


At last, players can track the purchase order status for each trade port and the real-time position of each transporter en route in the Trade Port tab of Corp Business panel.




Corp activities are multiplayer activities based on Corps. Corp activities include Corp Quests, Corp Business and Sovereignty Wars. Corp Quests are PVE activities and the other two are both PVP activities.


Players need to complete the Corp Quests posted in certain solar systems to receive personal rewards and increase the development level of that solar system. For Corp Business, players need to protect transporters of their Corps weaving between trade ports and refineries, to ensure the security of their Corp's property. For Sovereignty Wars, players will confront the forces of other Corps to fight for the sovereignty of solar systems.