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Corp Benefits

2019-09-08 03:49:49

Corp Benefits

Players can choose to join a Corp or not, and there are plenty of personal activities in the game that don't require a Corp. But Corp benefits make players who have joined Corps gain more resources than those who haven't, ultimately causing the difference in the speed of character development and money-earning.


Depending on the strength of the Corp, there are potentially a big variety of the benefits players receive from their Corps. So if a player wish to receive better benefits from the Corp, they need to work together with other Corp members to make the Corp a better and stronger one. For this purpose, Corp Benefits are designed to reflect all kinds of invests from players to the Corp, and the Corp is made stronger through those invests too.


Corp Pts


Corp Pts is a form of currency earned from Corp Donation and various Corp activities. It's used for all kinds of resources for character development in the Corp Store.


There are two ways for earning Corp Pts: automatic and manual. The earned Corp Pts will be automatically transferred when making donations in Corp Warehouse or paying for others' compensations.


Earned Corp Pts triggered from certain actions of other Corp members or certain Corp activities need to be claimed manually in the "Benefits" tab of the Corp panel.


First, there are a certain amount of Corp Pts issued for all the Corp members everyday as "daily salary", the amount of which depending on the number of solar systems held by the Corp, their prosperity and development levels. This is a typical representation of "the more you do for your Corp, the more rewards you'll receive for it."


Second, certain activities within the Corp, or even some members' actions, can trigger Corp Pts giveaways:


Upon buying a gift pack at GALAXIA, certain Corp Pts will be given away to all Corp members in the name of the buyer.

Upon the completion of each Corp Quest, certain Corp Pts will be given away to all Corp members based on the level of the quest.

Upon the completion of each Corp Business order, certain Corp Pts will be given away to all Corp members based on the amount of the order.

Upon winning each sovereignty war, certain Corp Pts will be given away to all Corp members based on the war declaration fee.

Upon the completion of each Corp facility or capital ship, certain Corp Pts will be given away to all Corp members.

There are much more such events that players can explore in the game.


Intel Pts


Intel Pts is a form of Corp resources that can be used to start Corp Quests. Corp Quests are a type of Corp activities, upon the completion of which, rewards are granted to the attendees and certain Corp Pts are issued to all Corp members as Corp Benefits. Another significant purpose of Corp Quests is to increase the development level of the solar system the Corp Quests started in.


The development level directly determines the durability of the sovereignty facilities in the same solar system, the level of Corp facilities that can be unfurled in the solar system, and the amount of "daily salary" for all Corp members. That's why increasing the development levels of occupied solar systems is so important for both the Corp and its members.


Where do intel Pts come from then? In fact, upon the completion of most personal activities (encounters, wormholes, explorations, etc.), the player will receive an item called "Corp Information Collector". They will be automatically handed in when the player reach a space station and transferred into Intel Pts of the player's Corp.


Therefore, intel Pts is essentially a representation of member activity within the Corp. To encourage that, there is a 10-level weekly Intel Pts Rewards in Corp Benefits tab. Those rewards mainly include speed ups, implant cases and new recruits.




Corp Benefits is there to reflect on efforts and activity of Corp members. Its ultimate purpose is to help make a powerful Corp with unified, mutual beneficial and active members.


Through Corp Benefits, players can receive plenty of Corp Pts from sovereignty wars, Corp donation, compensation, other members' actions and certain Corp activities. They can use it to exchange for character development resources from the Corp Store.


Players will gain intel Pts for their Corps by simply playing the game. To encourage member activity, players will receive weekly rewards like speed ups, implant cases and new recruits from their Corps based on the amount of intel Pts they turned in.